Sunday, 9 December 2012

First foodie pen pals package

Firstly apologies I should have posted this a long time ago! Here is a post about my first ever foodie pen pals package from Sarah Jayne.

It was a fab surprise to come home to on a wet November evening, it took ages to open the box as I was wet through from the rain and shivering as a result. As Sarah Jayne was married in the USA the package had an American theme it was packed full of sweet treats, just the thing for these long cold winter evenings.

The Aunt Jemima Pancake mix makes big fat US style buttermilk pancakes, I need to get to grips with these a few more attempts and I’ll have ironed out the kinks. I’m still stuck in the groove of thinking that all pancakes should be thin and covered in lemon and sugar on Shrove Tuesday. But the syrup is making the disasters I am creating more palatable (chocolate and marshmallow flavour).
The candy corn was a Halloween themed treat and wow the sugar rush you get from just one is similar to a Hershey’s kiss.  Then the popcorn well I instantly thought of Drew Barrymore in Scream. I'm keeping this to get out during Christmas when we have children over as I just know they'll love this.

Finally the marshmallows are really addictive, mainly because they have caramel inside, perfect with cocoa. So thank you Sarah Jayne I really enjoyed my first package!

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